Sarah Gable Seifert on Faith, Entrepreneurship, and EveryLife
Welcome to the Defender Podcast, a resource to help mobilize and equip the body of Christ to manifest the gospel to orphans and vulnerable children. This podcast is a ministry of Lifeline Children Services, and I'm your host, Herbie Newell.
Rick Morton:It's Wednesday, January 15, 2025. I'm Rick Morton and this is the Defender Podcast. We're solidly into the middle of January folks and we've experienced our first big winter storm here in the South. We bought all the bread and all the milk and all the eggs and all the grocery stores in the South and apparently, because all we know to do in the middle of an ice storm or snowstorm is apparently make French toast. So hopefully you got some French toast and enjoyed a little time at home with your family in the midst of a winter wonderland, but we're back, on the Defender podcast and ready to go, and we didn't get snowed out, we actually had an opportunity to have a great conversation recorded last week with Sarah Gable Seifert, who is the president and co founder of EveryLife.
Rick Morton:Sarah Gable is the proud wife of Michael and she's a brand new mother to Lily Gable. EveryLife is a company that is committed to pro life values that supports pro life causes and it's the only diaper company, diaper and wipe company in America that, that does not support Planned Parenthood. Previously, Sarah Gable served as the Director of Sales at Public Square where she spearheaded the development of a new advertising platform that resulted in $1,000,000 of annual recurring revenue within the 1st year of launching. We're gonna talk about in the interview a little bit about Public Square, but again, Public Square is sort of an Amazon alternative that is that is there to allow pro life, pro family values companies to be able to promote their products. And so, these are these are companies that don't give money to the kinds of things that that we would see, as detrimental and against our against our faith.
Rick Morton:From 2020 to 2021, Sarah Gable had held the position of Client Services Director at, the Pregnancy Resource Center in San Clemente, California. In this role, she managed to train a team of over 80 volunteers while providing essential support to hundreds of vulnerable women facing unplanned pregnancies. Prior to that, she held various leadership positions at JH Ranch, a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening and restoring the family unit. So many of us, so many of our families have been impacted by JH Ranch and and it's, it's incredible to know she got her start there and she just has a real heart for the pro life community, and for saving the unborn and investing in the next generation. So today, we're honored to welcome Sarah Gable to the Defender Podcast.
Rick Morton:Her organization was founded with the belief that every child is a miracle from God, deserving love, protection, and support, values that align deeply with our mission here at Lifeline. At Lifeline, we're committed to advocating for the sanctity of life and equipping individuals and churches to stand boldly for the voiceless. We believe every life matters and we're here to walk alongside you as you champion the cause of life in your community. If you're looking for ways to engage during the sanctity of human life month, we want you to visit lifelinechild.org/sanctity for resources to inspire and equip your church. You can check our show notes or you can go to lifelinechild.org/sanctity to find those resources, including finding a way to shop for every life, diapers and wipes.
Rick Morton:And you can also save 10% if you use the code lifeline10 and save 10% on your order from EveryLife and Lifeline will receive a donation of 10% as well of, of the the cost of of your diapers and wipes. And so we're incredibly grateful for the partnership that we have with Sarah Gable and with EveryLife. And so without further ado, let's get to the interview and hear about this incredible company, how it came into being, and a little bit more about what the Lord is using them to do. Alright. So we are blessed to have Sarah Gable Seifert with us today.
Rick Morton:And as you heard in the introduction, the Lord has really used Sarah Gable to begin an initiative and to do something through every life that really feels a pretty needed and God honoring piece of the space in the pro life movement. So we're gonna talk about that today. But before we get there, first of all, Sarah Gable, welcome. We're glad you're here.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.
Rick Morton:And, you know, I think we shared in your bio a little bit about where you've come from and and kind of what you did before the founding of EveryLife. But can you just kind of in your own words share a little bit of your experience of working with JH Ranch and Public Square and your time at the Pregnancy Resource Center there in San Clemente and and just how the Lord kind of weave together a set of experiences to to get you to the point of every life being on your heart.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Yeah. I'd love to share. So I love that you brought up JH Ranch because that was such a pivotal part of my testimony and my story. I actually went to JH Ranch. It's a program for those who don't know, for parents and teens, husbands and wives, newly engaged couples, student leadership programs.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:So go out to Northern California and really focus on the relationships that matter most, God and your relationships with your parents and your kids. So I did that with my dad when I was 15. It was the first time that I truly accepted the Lord, into my heart and it radically changed the trajectory of my life and I'm so grateful for all that JH Ranch instilled in me to the point where in college I really felt compelled to go and serve some summers out there and that started my journey into really feeling led to be a part of this kind of nonprofit sector. At the time, I was studying economics and real estate and thought I was gonna go a different direction and, of course, God has bigger plans than our own and I'm so grateful for that because his ways are so much better than our own and so I listened and I was obedient and I submitted to what I felt he was calling me into and it was marriage at a very young age and starting with J. H Ranch, in a full time position with my husband and I'm so thankful that I had that time because it's really where I got to come alive in my faith even further in my voice and my identity as a daughter of the king and that set the way for me, from that season into all other kinds of endeavors to planting churches in LA to then working at a pregnancy resource center and I will pause and talk about that since you brought it up for just a moment because God actually gave me a dream in the night.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:I don't know if God's ever spoken to you in the night through a dream. Has that happened to you before?
Rick Morton:Absolutely. There's where you just wake up and, like, it's it's like it's there. Absolutely.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:So I had that experience and it was on this issue of abortion and at the time it wasn't something that I was really awake to, it wasn't something I was plagued by or thinking about, but God showed me in this dream very very clearly that there were thousands, there are millions now, unborn children being aborted every single day and he woke me up to it, no pun intended. And I felt so compelled after this dream that I had a responsibility, a duty to respond and be a part of some sort of solution to helping these children live. And that took me on this prayerful journey of going into this pregnancy resource center in San Clemente. I was living in San Diego at the time and it was totally off course. I never thought that that would be the place where I would land but it was the most impactful couple of years honestly of my lifetime.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Being able to sit there and listen to these girls coming in every single day, so many vulnerable, considering abortion, life or death is on the table and being able to love them where they were and being able to guide them and ask them good questions and ultimately let them see the life that was growing in their womb and see the light bulb moments come off and be a part of that journey, I am forever grateful for. And so that really instilled in me a heart to want to be a part in in every part of my life journey, this pro life movement to protect and celebrate every miraculous life. So I have to say that period really got me into this whole concept of every life and Public Square. Public Square is our parent company of EveryLife and it's a platform of pro life, pro family businesses so everybody can shop their values, and consumers were searching on this platform. My husband and I started this back a little after 2020 because people were looking for those businesses that they could trust and shop at.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:And I found very quickly through the app that people were trying to shop at a pro life diaper company. And can you believe there was a there wasn't one. There was no pro family, pro life diaper company, and I'll pause there and and let you chime in, but that really was the start of me discovering there's a there's a hole in the market, there's a need, and I wanna respond and be a solution.
Rick Morton:You know, in Sarah Gable, I think is is you know, even as as I I think about this, first of all, I was shocked by that. That was that was something that I didn't know, honestly, and and I really couldn't believe that, you know, here's this thing that is that's so a part of our lives, that's so much a part of new life and, you know, and our rearing and, you know, our just our whole experience with our kids. We diapers are something we take for granted, so much. But also for those of us that are, you know, that are that are working in the pro life space, I mean, diapers are also one of those things that we realize that that many of the of the vulnerable women, vulnerable families that we're ministering to, that's something they don't have. You know, that's a that's a basic necessity that many of them can't afford and they, you know, and they struggle to provide.
Rick Morton:And And honestly, you know, we talk about this over and over here, part of that treating women as image bearers, that they're created in the image of God, is the reality and understanding that we have we have many women that are making choices that they that they wouldn't otherwise make, but they're drawn to make choices because they believe they have no other option and they're and they're sold a lie. And and one of the really very tangible ways that that comes to bear in their lives is thinking about having to afford diapers for, you know, for a child that they're not sure that they can afford to to raise. And so that's something in in the adoption space, but also just in our work with, you know, with women and unplanned pregnancies in general that that we face every day. And and so as I became aware of every life, it was it was like this huge light bulb moment to say, wait a minute, there, like, there is a company out there that's different. There is a company out there that's, you know, that that's been founded around values that we, you know, that we embrace, that that God created life and that all life is valuable and and that and that we that we want all lives to be treasured, but yet there's there's a, like, there's a viable business and a viable business model that's been brought up around that.
Rick Morton:And so so we'll just kinda bring the story forward. You went from serving vulnerable women at a crisis pregnancy center to to founding every life. Walk us through how that happened, especially because of the timing to, you know, 2020, 2021, and and all that. I think it's just just fascinating.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Yeah. My my husband and I have always have a had a heart for politics and for culture and for bringing faith into those spaces and though we've always been people that analyze the research and the data. We always kind of have taken it a step further. I don't know if you've heard, the phrase, a life not evaluated is a life not worth living. Socrates said that and I love I love that quote because I believe that's true.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:You could go through your whole life just rolling through the motions and if you never pause to say why am I here or God, what are you doing? You could miss out on some really divine opportunities. And so my husband and I, when we got married, we made a commitment that we were always gonna be people that would stop and evaluate and in 2020, we started to see what was happening around us politically and culturally and we just paused and we said something is up and God what are you trying to show us? And we were living, like I mentioned, in San Diego at the time and you can imagine the lockdowns and just the culture was really intense and so we decided to try to find businesses that we could support with our hard earned money and make sure that they aligned with our values because we started to see that there were many businesses that were not standing for life, that were not standing for families, that were not supporting the things that we hold dear, biblical truths, etcetera. And we wanted to create a platform where for us really this was a personal frustration and a personal need that turned into this idea to create this public square community where people could find these businesses that shopped that allow them to shop their values and it now has millions of consumers, we have 85,000 plus businesses, small and large and it's it's such a blessing to see what God has done with that but during my time of working at the pregnancy center and having this idea with my husband I had to again pause and say, God, where do you want me for such a time as this?
Sarah Gabel Seifert:And I hope your listeners are maybe pausing to do that right now. Right? God, what do you have for me right now for such a time as this? Because we all have a specific calling. We all have a specific plan that he's ordained and I had that moment where I had to choose and both path looked great.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:It was a really hard decision because I felt so compelled, and I I so enjoyed being able to sit like I said with those women and those unplanned pregnancies and watch them choose life over and over and over again. Being able to hold that baby and I'm sure you've been able to do this for sure. When that child almost was not gonna make it in this world, I still have a picture that I keep on my desk of this one client in particular that I walked from start to finish and then got to hold that little boy. Oh, it gives me chills thinking about it's it's my motivation. It's it's why I do what I do.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:So I I will say though I I felt like God was saying this is you and Michael, you and your husband, y'all are gonna go on this journey together. And so I did. I left that behind and my husband and I went full throttle into this idea of Public Square and we built it to what it is today and it's still very young. We still have a lot that we are excited to build, but it's a publicly traded company now on the New York Stock Exchange and we're just celebrating the fact that it's reaching and helping so many small businesses and consumers and again out of that really birthed this idea of every life because to your point, I had no idea that every major diaper company today was supporting abortion either vocally or financially. The reason I discovered that was because one, God bless us with our first baby, so it became very personal.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:And number 2, we had this public square community of people that were passionate about standing for life and supporting those businesses and I just started to do a deep dive into the research and I was stunned. I was absolutely shocked. I was mortified and I was actually heartbroken. I was so sad to discover that I couldn't support any of these baby brands for my own daughter. They didn't support my child, and so I couldn't sit on the sidelines and be okay with that.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:I felt so compelled to do something, and that's why we launched EveryLife in July of 2022.
Rick Morton:And and so EveryLife, let's, you know, let's kinda make sure that our our listeners know the mission and they know what what you're cut out to do. And so EveryLife, is is dedicated to providing premium products for every baby as a reflection of their god given worth. Wow. Like, I love that so much. And and the fact that you're committed to life, but you're also committed to excellence and to creating the best.
Rick Morton:And as, you know, as believers, I think that's, you know, that's one of those things that we really are able to show off what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made when we do things as an act of worship to God and we're focused on using those things that we can do, those things we can do in business, in creation of art or products or whatever, but they're but they're done ultimately to, you know, to glorify our creator and that's that's what you've done in creating a company like EveryLife. And so tell us about just elaborate on that mission a little bit and and about the the heart behind and and what drives you, as a as a company.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Sure. That I love everything you just said, but I will elaborate further because I love talking about it. It it really is so, remarkable to be able to say that we are the 1st and only pro life diaper company that believes every child is a gift from god deserving of love, protection, and celebration and we're unapologetic in that. We say it all over our website, all over our social media because we wanted to create something different, a brand that really stood for life and families and wanted to celebrate parenthood and celebrate the gift that every unique child is, but also we didn't wanna compromise on the quality of our products. And I said when we were creating this product, both my husband and I said, if this is not a product that we would not put on our own baby, that it's not something that we're gonna sell to the public.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:And I will say my husband and I, we look at all we're the we're the kind we're we're the annoying people that look at all the ingredients, and we make sure things are clean and they're nontoxic and they're safe for our family, especially safe for our baby. So you can imagine the amount of time that took with creating this diaper, with creating our wipes, and we did not wanna miss a thing. And so we went through the due diligence to ensure that what we put to market would be high performing, that would be clean ingredients, that would work for parents, and that would compete against all the other diaper brands would be better than all the other diaper brands. And I believe with assurance, because I did have to test out a bunch of other diaper brands, ours is the best. And people may come because of the values, but they're staying because they're so impressed with the product because we did everything with excellence and intentionality because our children really do deserve the best.
Rick Morton:Now I wanna be honest with you, like, you're supposed to say all of that, right, because you founded the company. I'm gonna say that as somebody who has absolutely no stake in this whatsoever. We, like, we've we've tried your diapers. We've, you know, one of the things at Lifeline and the folks that did know us well and most of the folks folks that listen to this podcast know us and they know our staff and and we have we have a lot of young mamas running around here, we have a lot of young families that are that are part of Lifeline, and and so we've had folks on our staff who have begun to become consumers of your product and we began to share that, you know, within our walls here. And I'm telling you what I hear over and over and over again is, yeah, we love the fact that that this company stands for the same kind of values, they stand for life, there's a there's a godly basis to the reason that this company exists, but at the end of the day, we just like their stuff.
Rick Morton:Their products really work, our kids are comfortable, our, you know, our kids thrive in these diapers, the wipes, you know, the wipes work and they're clean and they're they're healthy and we don't, you know, we don't get rashes and things from the products. And and and so I just as a as a third party testimony, I want you to know, like, there are people walking the halls around here that are a part of Lifeline who are, you know, really invested customers of every life and it's the reason just because the product's good. And and so we commend it to those folks that are part of the Lifeline family to say, we want you to, you know, we want you to to lean in and to become a consumer of these diapers and these wipes because of what they stand for, but but also because it's gonna be good for your family.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:I am so thankful to hear that it's been working so well for everybody that you've been able to serve through Lifeline, and we hope to be able to serve more and more and more with all the incredible work that you're doing because that is so core to our mission as well. We don't just wanna be a pro life in our stance and our words and our mission statement. While that is so important, we wanna make sure that we're backing that with action. And so I will say something I'm really proud to talk about too is the fact that in such a short amount of time, we've only been in existence a little over a year. We are the fastest growing diaper company in America right now which is also really exciting.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:That goes to show there's so many people who are looking for this sort of brand, right, that loves their child, that loves their family, that supports their growing family, and gives them the best of the best with the products. But really, more than that, we wanna give back. We really wanna help families that you serve at Lifeline that are at these pregnancy resource centers across the United States and we've already had the chance to donate over 3,000,000 diapers to families that are in urgent need of these supplies that have embraced life for their child and that gets me the most excited. That's why I wake up in the morning is because I know that as we grow as a company, there's gonna be more opportunity for us to be able to continue to bless more families and help them not feel alone because as I said before, I got to sit with those girls in the middle of that crisis decision and when they know they have the love, they have the care, they have the support, and even just to have diapers taken care of, it can be the difference between life or death for that unborn baby.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:It really truly can. Financial pressures, it's it's amazing how that can plague a mother and being able to see a future for herself and that child. So if we even get to be a small piece of helping that mom feel supported with our diapers and our wipes, we're gonna keep pushing for that and striving for that every single month that we are growing and scaling this business because that is truly why we are here is support to support those families. So we're so grateful to be on this mission with you and we can't wait to grow our relationship and our partnership because the work that you're doing is life altering, it's life changing and it's life affirming. So thank you.
Rick Morton:Well, well, there's just such great alignment with with the values of your company, what you stand for, why you exist, and and who we are as as a ministry here at Lifeline. And so it's really easy to shoulder up and it's really easy to, you know, to work together in this. And I think, you know, we've already started to kind of dream around here a little bit and so we're, you know, we're kind of becoming unofficial brand evangelists and marketers. So we're, you know, we're trying to be a little bit of an extension of who you are at every life. But we, you know, we've we've started to talk about in our church partnerships team here about, you know, really asking our churches that it as you're gonna hold diaper drives, don't just have people bring any diaper, point your people toward every life.
Rick Morton:Have them, you know, have them purchase diapers that are that are coming from a company that's gonna support pro life values and in the long run, that's gonna turn into more diapers that are in the hands of of more moms that are choosing life, you know, for their children, not just the ones that you're supporting through a diaper drive, but the ones that you're supporting through the the support of the company. You know, also, I mean, good night. For the for the years that I was in pastoral ministry, if if I had a nickel for every baby shower that we were a part of And, you know, and thinking back to the really vast capacity of our churches that if we if we invested in the things that we do to support families and to come alongside by, you know, providing diapers to, you know, to families that are bringing another a new little one home, in showers and those kind of things, and we did that through EveryLife, man, we could make an incredible impact. And so, you know, so we wanna we wanna suggest ways and we wanna just really kinda challenge our listeners to find ways that they can invest in and can come alongside by consuming your products, by, you know, by using your diapers, by using your wipes, and by giving them to others so that they can, you know, they can really kind of increase the number of people that are, you know, that are participating in this.
Rick Morton:And so I think, you know, as we think about kind of how you're trying to play this bigger role, first thing we need to do is we need to tell people how to find you. So how can people get connected with every life because, you know, because I know it's it's not really easy to find shelf space in stores and to, you know, to enter into that market. And that's probably not something you guys are interested in doing on some level because because you're you're trying to spend your efforts and your dollars in other places in order to make them go farther for pro life causes. So how can we find you so that people can get get in on this?
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Thanks for asking. So I would say head to everylife.com. That is the best place to go. You can find out about all of the products that we offer. We have diapers and wipes, but we're really excited.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:We actually just launched some new products back, in December and, October, November of last year. We now have a a baby soap and lotion that's made here in the USA. It's clean, no synthetic fragrances or toxins or phthalates, all of those things that moms are looking for. It's the best soap and lotion I've ever put on my child, so check that out. We also just launched a training pants.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:So now which is the same as kind of the pull up.
Herbie Newell:Yeah.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:And so we're thankful that we're able to track with our families, right, beyond just those diapering years and into the toddler years and those are brand new. So we actually our our vision is to really become a baby brand where parents can come for all the essentials and, again, know with a blessed assurance that they're supporting their pro life values with every single purchase. So everylife.com is the blessed place to go. You can also download Public Square. All of our products are there.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Public Square is a great shopping tool. I have completely ditched Amazon because I wanna go to Public Square and support the small businesses that make our country so special. I think everybody is asking today, Rick, what can I do today that's gonna impact culture, that's gonna impact society, that's gonna make our country stronger? Well, you can vote every single day when you shop your valley. You can vote with your dollars every single day.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:And I wish more people would wake up to that reality. It matters how you spend your money because money talks and if you keep backing these huge businesses and small that are anti life, anti family, you're doing the opposite of what you and your family stand for which is life. And I know all your listeners are listening to this for a reason and all those things matter which is why I love what you said about trying to get the churches more involved and the pastors and and even what you're doing at Lifeline to really make sure that you're even stewarding the the money that you have, the resources that you have to partner with businesses that align with your value. So thank you for doing that because it is what changes culture. It's what makes a difference and everybody can do that with their dollars every day.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:So Public Square is a great place to go. And last thing I'd say is we're on all social media platforms. So Instagram, EveryLife Co is our account. That's a really fun place to go. Subscribe to our newsletters.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:We have good content. It's it's fun content. It's it's life giving content. And if you go to the other baby brands, I hate to say it, but you're not gonna get that same experience. And so we wanna bring people along the journey with us and we wanna promote life and we wanna promote growth and families and we're really excited to be able to do that on all of our different platforms.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:So I hope and pray many of your listeners will join us. Lifeline 10 actually is a discount code they could use if they wanna just go try it out and 10% of that sale will go back to your ministry.
Rick Morton:That's right.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:We have that set up with you guys. So we'd love for anyone listening to use Lifeline 10. Get 10% off, 10% goes back to you.
Rick Morton:We definitely want folks to do that, and we want them we wanted to help themselves, and we'd love for them to help us, and and and we and we wanted to participate with you. And and I think, you know, I think that's a great challenge and, to, you know, for folks to think about public square in general as a, you know, as a as a way because I think there's just so much and that's out of sight and out of mind and and we and we think really, honestly, a lot of us probably think that that's out of our control and we think that it's, you know, it's kind of beyond our hopes to be able to do those things, but what you're gonna find at Public Square is stuff that we all use all the time. And so it's not, you know, these aren't kind of outlandish sorts of things. They're they're things that, you know, that you're gonna be able to find and consume and things that are gonna be meaningful to, you know, to every day for you, for your family, and it's a great way, you know, as Sarah Gable said, to, you know, to stretch a dollar.
Rick Morton:Well, and to do something that aligns with, you know, with our values. And I think right now, in a world where we're struggling many times to see our values reflected in the society in general, this is a great way to do that. And so we appreciate what you and your husband have done to, you know, to catalyze that and to begin that and to give an opportunity for, you know, for those businesses to thrive. Well, you know, as we kinda think about the future and where you're going with every life, what are your what are your hopes? What are your dreams, for the future about what you like to see the Lord accomplish through this company?
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Thanks for asking. I would say, you know, nothing's off the table. I I think that's what's most exciting about being a entrepreneur and starting a business from scratch and you're you're constantly one of the best pieces of advice that I ever got was hold fast to your mission but hold loosely to how you get there. And I love that and I've held on to it because I'm never gonna lose the mission. Right?
Sarah Gabel Seifert:We're always gonna be a company that stands and supports every miraculous life. But how we get there, I wanna keep my hands open to that because god may have a different plan as I mentioned earlier in the podcast than my own plans. And if I get set in my ways, I may miss out on an open door that he's trying to present right in front of me but I have my eyes closed. And so something that I try to do every day is humble myself before the lord and say, what do you have for today? Because I at the end of the day, you're driving the ship and I wanna listen to him because he knows best.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Though I will say that is the the first thing you could expect from every life is that we are always gonna be up under the covering of god's guidance and we want his wisdom and we're gonna be seeking that every day. I did mention we want to be a baby brand. We really do. We wanna continue to offer products that are essential for families to be able to thrive as well as their baby to thrive. So you can expect to see more offerings as we continue to grow at scale.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:We have vision of going beyond the borders of America. We really do. We we really wanna tap into new markets, into new territories. I'll I'll mention this really quickly. You'll you'll like this one.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:We did a campaign last year called make more babies and it was really off of this idea that our birth rate today is lower than it's ever been.
Rick Morton:Right.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:It's at 1.62 babies per woman. So that is not where we need to be. The replacement rate at minimum has to be at 2.1. You can see right there that we're off and we're not seeing people choose to find Jesus, you know, get married and have children. And so we tried to do this campaign around this idea that this overpopulation control ideology is actually reaching a lot of young people today thinking that there's too many people in this world and that we shouldn't have kids and it's not true.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:It it's not true at all. Right. We actually need more children in this world, not less. That's how we have a sustaining future. When we're gone, who's left?
Sarah Gabel Seifert:It's gotta be
Rick Morton:As soon as he ascended, be fruitful and multiply. Right? Like, that there's there's never been an addendum to that that stands, and and yet we don't hear that message all the time.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:That's right. And so we tackled that. We went viral, actually. Elon Musk himself retweeted us because with the I know. The whole campaign was actually based off of one of his tweets.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:He said having children is saving the world which is true and I love that. And we put it up on a billboard in Times Square with make more babies underneath and we, again, just got a lot of attention in the mainstream, about this topic and we're grateful for it because we do wanna see families thrive. We wanna see more young people choosing to get married and have children. And we're starting to see that this birth rate decline isn't just here in the US. It's expanding.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Actually, in some places, it's worse off and I don't know how some countries are going to have a future or hope. And so we're looking at that crisis and that issue and seeing our brand as a potential solution not only here in the States but also to some of these other countries who really need a pro life, pro family message. So we have a vision of going beyond the borders and we're really excited to pray very intentionally about timing and when God has us pursuing that path.
Rick Morton:Sarah Gable, this is awesome. And it's it's so good to see an Alabama girl from right here in Birmingham, Alabama who the Lord has moved and led to to do something like this and to really begin to do something that gives an outlet for God's people, to be able to do something really practical that can make a huge difference. And so, thanks for being with us. Not gonna be the last time. I'm sure we're gonna be talking.
Rick Morton:We wanna continue to hear the journey and and hear what you guys are up to. We also wanna continue to be able to, help folks to know how to participate in the things that that God's laid on your heart. But, but at this point, we're thankful for where you are in the journey and what the Lord's led you to. Thanks for your obedience and for saying yes and putting your yes on the table, to launch out and to do this. And we're really thankful to have the partnership.
Rick Morton:And so, if you go to if you go to EveryLife, just, you know, use that code Lifeline10, you'll get 10% off. It'll help Lifeline and we want you to we want you to join us in being brand evangelist for every life and telling folks about the things that are happening through this great company. And so, Sarah Gable Seifert, thanks for joining us.
Sarah Gabel Seifert:Thank you so much for having me. It's been a gift and a blessing.
Herbie Newell:Thanks for listening to The Defender Podcast. If you enjoy making this podcast a part of your weekly routine, we'd love for you to take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review The Defender Podcast to make it easier for more people to find. For more information on how you and your church can partner with Lifeline, visit us at lifelinechild.org. If you want to connect with me, please visit herbynewell.com. Follow us at lifeline on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter by searching for Lifeline Child.
Herbie Newell:You could email us directly at info at lifelinechild.org. Beloved, will you allow God to use the gospel through you to impact the life of a child? Please contact us because we are here to defend the fatherless. We'll see you again next week for the Defender podcast.
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