Joy: Advent Week 3 – The Shepherd's Song of Praise
Welcome to the defender podcast, a resource to help mobilize and equip the body of Christ to manifest the gospel to orphans and vulnerable children. This podcast is a ministry of Lifeline Children Services, and I'm your host, Herbie Newell.
Herbie Newell:Welcome to the Fender podcast advent edition. Today, we are reflecting on joy as we celebrate advent and prepare for the coming of Christ. And as we think about joy, we reflect on the shepherd's joy at Jesus' birth and what true joy means for us today. Joy is something that so many times in our day and age is confused with happiness or with an emotion. We think of joy and we put it alongside of something going the way we want it to go or something good happening.
Herbie Newell:But there is also joy amidst suffering. Remember that it was with joy that Jesus looked to the cross. Jesus went to the cross with joy, not because it was a happy time, not because it would be a fruitful time or a peaceful time, but because of the joy of the father, because of the the fulfillment of knowing that he was doing the father's will. And so as we draw near to Advent, for many, the Christmas season is hard. Maybe it marks the loss of a loved one, or maybe it marks the loss of memories, or or maybe Christmas was just never a pleasant time growing up.
Herbie Newell:But, beloved, there can still be found joy because Christmas is not about the trappings of the season. It's about the ultimate fulfillment of a messiah, Emmanuel, god with us who is our true joy. You know, there are moments of unexpected joy within our life. There's moments that can take us by surprise. I remember through working at Lifeline, one of our many fundraisers that we've been able to do is our golf tournament.
Herbie Newell:And during our golf tournament in 2015, I remember it being a joyous time of of being out and playing golf with our supporters, and it's just a beautiful day out, and our daughter, Adeline, she was 8 years old, said to us, before we even left the golf course, she said, if it's okay, after we get home, and I take my bath, I'd really like to present something to just mom and dad, and so we told her that that would be okay. My sweet wife, Ashley, is pretty strict on bedtime, or she was pretty strict on bedtime when our kids were young, and, she wanted them to be in bed at a decent hour so they could get plenty of rest, but a stretch for her, she agreed to allow our 8 year old to stay up after bedtime to tell us and to present something to us. And I'll never forget being in the kitchen when she was sitting on the other side of of the island in the kitchen, she sat down with a notebook and she started to read a passage from John 15. She said, this passage has meant a lot to me and it has been something that has transformed my life, and I believe that Jesus is bearing fruit in my life and I have surrendered my life to him, and I'm a Christ follower, and I want to be baptized.
Herbie Newell:And she had written her testimony out and she read it, and beloved, I will never forget just the joy that came over my heart. As my 8 year old daughter, on her own words with the Holy Spirit's prompting, shared with both my wife and I what it meant to be a Christ follower. This beloved is joy. Joy in knowing that others are following Christ. And so as we prepare for Advent, we need to ask ourselves what is real joy and how can we experience it like the shepherds did that first Christmas.
Herbie Newell:Luke chapter 2 verse 8 tells us this, it says, and in the same region, there were shepherds out in the field keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the lord appeared to them and the glory of the lord shown around them and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, fear not, for behold I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you.
Herbie Newell:You will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising god and saying, glory to god in the highest and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased. When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the lord has made known to us. And they went with haste quickly and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning the child, and all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them.
Herbie Newell:But Mary treasured up all these things pondering them in the heart. And the shepherds returned, not in fear, but in glorifying and praising the lord for all they had heard and seen as it was told to them. You see, the first thing we see when the angels come to the shepherds is fear. The angel appeared and they were terrified. They were terrified.
Herbie Newell:And so the first thing we know is that angels are warriors of light, not little winged beings with harps sitting on soft clouds. These are warriors of light and they were pronouncing the coming of the king. These angels were the army of heaven that were coming to herald and to say, the king is coming. Beloved, it was fearful. The shepherds were in the midst of a heavenly host.
Herbie Newell:But as the angel and the multitude of angels and the heavenly host announces that there's good news of great joy for all the people, the shepherds find joy. They hear the words of joy, and with haste quickly, they go to find this new king. You see, the joy of the shepherds was not in their circumstances. As a matter of fact, we see that they were out in the field keeping watch over their flocks by night, and night was the time that predators would come out. Night was the time that that darkness would envelope the flock.
Herbie Newell:They weren't joyful in their circumstances. Oh, they were joyful in the news of Immanuel, god with us. The messiah had come and this brought them joy. Beloved, here's the thing. During this Advent, know that that joy is for you as well.
Herbie Newell:The shepherds were not royalty. The shepherds were not nobility. The shepherds were not of a ruling political class. No. The shepherds were ordinary people showing that joy is available to all.
Herbie Newell:Joy is available to everyone who puts their faith and trust in Christ Jesus. And isn't it funny that when they see Mary and Joseph, that these ordinary, smelly shepherds are the herald of god's good news. It says they told all that had been seen and told to them concerning this child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary knew, and so she pondered it in her heart.
Herbie Newell:And after seeing the messiah face to face, lying in a manger in very humble circumstances, the shepherds go back, back to the fields, back to the ordinary, but they went back changed. They went back glorifying. They went back praising god, and they went back full of joy. Psalm 1611 says, you make known to me the path of light and life, and in your presence, there is fullness of joy. You see, beloved, real joy is found in God's presence.
Herbie Newell:It's not found in temporary happiness. It's not found when things go our way. You see, joy can even come in mourning. Joy can come when things don't go our way because joy is not in a feeling. It's not in a circumstance.
Herbie Newell:It's in the presence of almighty god. And so the Lord makes known to us the path of life because in his presence is not just joy, but the fullness of joy. And so, again, joy is so much different than happiness. We must teach our children and our families the difference. You see, happiness is circumstantial and fleeting.
Herbie Newell:It's getting that gift that you've been waiting for, that's been that you've watched and seen wrapped under the tree, and you're happy for a moment that you've gotten this gift, but it flees. Think about young children who want a bike or want a toy or have been asking for something for so long and they get it, and there's a momentary happiness. But I guarantee you in our homes are gifts of Christmas and birthdays past, things that brought us temporary, fleeting happiness that are now collecting dust on a shelf. You see, what Jesus gives us is not a circumstantial, fleeting happiness. Jesus gives us joy that is rooted in an eternal promise.
Herbie Newell:The seperage joy came from encountering Jesus, the true source of lasting joy. The gospel is what brings us this joy. You see, Jesus' birth is good news because it signifies salvation and peace and hope for all people. That's why the shepherds come back praising and worshiping and glorifying God, because they had joy and they had joy knowing that they were loved and redeemed by God through Christ. They had joy in being able to see the Messiah face to face.
Herbie Newell:And their action, not only do they glorify and worship and praise god, but they begin to share and spread the word of Jesus. They went and they heard and they seen and they told all that had been told to them. They began to herald what had been heralded to them. You see, joy transforms our priorities. This joy of Christ, it changes the way we live, and this joy has been heralded to us by Christ Jesus.
Herbie Newell:And we've been called to spread the gospel and to spread the joy of our salvation. Again, beloved, we live with joy amidst challenges. Joy doesn't mean the absence of struggles, but it means finding peace and purpose in Jesus. And so I I pray that as we have this Advent, this this drawing, this preparation as we get ready for the coming of Christ, I pray that we would reflect on the joy of Christmas, on the joy that we see in Psalm 1611 by staying close to God's presence. So four ways for us this Advent season to experience joy.
Herbie Newell:1st, have gratitude. Have gratitude. Be thankful. Take time to thank God for his gift of salvation. Take time to be grateful for all that the Lord has provided in his son, Jesus.
Herbie Newell:But thank the Lord for his common grace, the common grace in family and friends, the common grace of the goodness of god that is ours in the momentary day by day. Then, also, the second way to experience joy this Advent is to reflect, meditate, pray, read God's word on the meaning of Christ coming, realize that we're on the other side of the cross where we have great joy because we know the end of the story. And, yes, we're still waiting for the 2nd coming of Christ, but we wait with joy, with eager expectation, reflect, meditate on the meaning of Christ's coming. But then 3rd, like the shepherds, worship the lord. Respond to your joy with great praise.
Herbie Newell:Take time to reflect, but also to worship, to come before the feet of Christ and worship him as king of kings and lord of lords. And then 4th, a 4th way to experience joy this Advent is to spread the gospel to others, to be heralds of the good news of God, to spread the good news by serving and loving others. As you gather around tables with family and friends, share the gospel. Take moments to to pause out of your busy day and share the goodness of God. Speak the Gospel in words, show the Gospel in action, and pray that family, friends, and others around the world, maybe in places where the Gospel has still not been heard, would come to hear the good news of Christ.
Herbie Newell:Share joy. And so real joy is available to everyone through Jesus. The gospel is ours, and it is joy. And so what brings you joy this Advent season? How can you draw closer to Jesus, the true source of joy this Advent season?
Herbie Newell:Set aside time to be grateful, to reflect, to worship Christ Jesus. And then in all you do, be intentional to share joy this Advent season. Let's pray. Thank you, Lord, for the joy of Jesus' birth and his presence in our lives. Oh, God, help us to remember that it was for joy that was set before you, that Jesus endured the cross and scorned the shame of our sin.
Herbie Newell:Let that sacrifice at Calvary fan into flame the joy that is ours of your coming. Help us to share the joy and the gospel this Advent season, but not just at Advent, but at every time of the year. Lord, may our lives be marked with joy. May others see that there's something different in us because we're filled with the joy that is ours in the coming of Christ Jesus. Oh, Lord, thank you for Christmas, and thank you for Jesus.
Herbie Newell:Thank you for listening to the Defender Podcast Advent Edition. Even next week, we will drop our last Advent episode, so make sure that you're looking for that. Also, we ask that you would share these Advent podcasts with friends and families and others and maybe on social media, and make sure that others know of this Advent podcast. Well, God bless you and Merry Christmas.
Herbie Newell:Thanks for listening to the Defender Podcast. If you enjoy making this podcast a part of your weekly routine, we'd love for you to take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the Defender podcast to make it easier for more people to find. For more information on how you and your church can partner with Lifeline, visit us at lifelinechild.org. If you want to connect with me, please visit herbynewoldot com. Follow us at lifeline on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter by searching for Lifeline Child.
Herbie Newell:You can email us directly at info at lifelinechild.org. Beloved, will you allow god to use the gospel to you to impact the life of a child? Please contact us because we are here to defend the fatherless. We'll see you again next week for the Defender podcast.
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