Matthew and Makyna Hart
Matthew and Makyna Hart have been together for 13 years, serving in full-time ministry on staff at Movement Church in Madison, AL. Matthew serves as a worship pastor, while Makyna serves as a Family Pastor. They are both bio, adoptive, and foster parents. Over the past year, they have been actively fostering, having already cared for 10 children. Their passion lies in facilitating family reunification and nurturing enduring relationships with the bio families of the children under their care.
Appears in 2 Episodes

Best of 2024: Opening Hearts and Homes – The Hart Family's Foster Care Journey
In this special Best of 2024 episode, originally aired on May 15, 2024, we revisit a heartfelt conversation with Matthew and Makyna Hart, ministry leaders from Movemen...

Opening Hearts and Homes: A Journey into Foster Care with Makyna and Matthew Hart
In this episode of The Defender Podcast, we are joined by foster parents Matthew and Makyna Hart. They share their heartfelt journey of opening their hearts and home t...