Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe is an author, speaker, and counselor. She holds an MA in counseling from Biblical Theological Seminary, is a licensed professional counselor with over twenty-five years of counseling experience, and is a registered play therapist supervisor. Julie served as a faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) for over 20 years and has lectured and taught at Missio Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary. Julie and her husband, Greg, live in the Philadelphia, PA area and have five children. They have served for over 20 years as foster and adoptive parents.

Appears in 1 Episode

Defending the Vulnerable: Child Abuse Prevention with Julie Lowe

In this episode of the Defender Podcast, hosts Herbie Newell and Rick Morton engage in a discussion on Child Abuse Prevention with guest Julie Lowe, a highly experienc...