Chelsea Patterson Sobolik
Chelsea Patterson Sobolik serves as Director of Government Relations at World Relief, a global Christian humanitarian organization and the largest Evangelical refugee resettlement in the U.S. She is also the former Senior Director of Policy & Advocacy at Lifeline Children's Services. She has worked on Capitol Hill on pro-life policies, domestic and international religious freedom, adoption, and foster care issues. Chelsea has been published at the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, and others. She is the author of Longing for Motherhood – Holding onto Hope in the Midst of Childlessness, and Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and Work. She has a B.A. in International Relations from Liberty University, and lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband Michael. She and Michael became parents through international adoption, welcoming home their son this past year.
Appears in 4 Episodes

Chelsea Sobolik Update and New Book
In 2023 Chelsea Sobolik shared of her family's adoption journey. Now home from India, she joins today sharing the exciting changes that have happened since last year. ...

Best of 2023: Chelsea Sobolik and Adoption's Impact on her Life
For the first episode of 2024, we are taking a look back at one of our most-listened to episodes of 2023. Chelsea Patterson Sobolik joins the podcast today to talk abo...

Chelsea Sobolik and Adoption's Impact on her Life
Chelsea Patterson Sobolik is Lifeline's Director of Policy and Advocacy. She joins the podcast today to talk about how adoption has deeply impacted her life. She share...

Longing for Motherhood with Chelsea Sobolik
Join us as Herbie Newell talks with ERLC's Chelsea Sobolik about adoption, infertility, and her new book "Longing for Motherhood".